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Eva @ 143 Marrickville Rd.

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:23 pm
by James Dean
143 Marrickville Rd
$100/60 min.

Hi Folks,

This is a review of Eva.

At my age I need constancy in my life.

I have become aware that the number of things I know nothing about has been increasing due to a changing world. Some of these things are stuff that I worry about.

Recently I got the new Iphone and came into the issue of ICloud.. It seems like much of the data from my phone winds up in this locale. The paranoid part of me says that ICloud may be merely a front for national leaders to spy on me. I can imagine material from my phone being screened and a report and transcript given to President Barak Obama.

For national security reasons, Obama may read messages that I exchange as a result of my punting adventures, He might, for example, read an exchange between me and my favourite ML (Jennifer) who works at the Eunuch Chinese Massage Shop. He could read the following messages:

Dean: Hi Jennifer. I can’t wait to enjoy your sweet pussy.
Jennifer: The price has now gone up $20.
Dean: Ok. Does that mean I can lick your pussy?
Jennifer: You can eat bananas out my cunt and arsehole if you want to!
Dean: Great.

Now, Obama reading this might say to his wife Michelle, “I’ve just got to see Jennifer and eat bananas out of her cunt and her arsehole” and Michelle says “Sure, sounds like a great idea to me”.

The part about this I don’t like is that Obama should at least have to join a forum to get this and contribute his own punting adventures for the benefit of the rest of us.

Anyway, to escape my fear of change I sometimes return to Billy’s. What can I say about Billy’s? Well, I had been away for over a year and returned to find little had changed. I went in the back way and found the smell of urine on the steps had not changed. The litter and shit around the place looked pretty much a s I had seen it a year ago.

Walking down the corridor I could see Billy at the end of it. He was behind his desk, cigarette in gob and his offsider Jenny sitting next to him. Jenny saw me and came over and gave me a big hug. (Note: She had not done that before and that change made me feel nonplussed.For those of you with a limited vocabulary substitute ‘gobsmacked’ for nonplussed!)

The place seemed to have the same dirt, the towels seemed as smelly and dirty as ever. Folks it felt good to be surrounded by the same filth from a year ago.

It might surprise you but they have ladies to clean the joint. About two years ago there was a fat, relatively young lady vacuuming the place and I asked Billy if I could see her. The following interaction ensued:

Billy: NO YOU CAN’T.
Dean: Why not.
Billy; Because I told you why not and that’s enough.
Dean: You haven’t told me anything yet.
Billy: No is anything and I told you NO.

Other punters told me it was his daughter and if that is the case I can appreciate that Billy would not like her dealing with the likes of me.

I was issued with Eva. Eva looks late 20’s early 30’s. She is weight for height and has B cups. While not pretty, she has an attractive face.. She had a trimmed pussy and English was good enough to communicate.

This lady has vanilla sex writtten all over her. In terms of kissing and a bbj, she made it clear she would do that for an additional $50. You guessed it, I paid the dough. (As Billy’s is only $100 for the hour I thought why not?)

Her kissing was not really dfk (deep French kissing) it was more like btl (barely touched lips). I wish I had used my phone to catch the bbj moment because that’s all it was.

I find massage table uncomfortable to engage in connubial bliss on and so found mish was the only thing that worked.

In mish I came in the dom and that, as they say, was that.

Dean had his shower, Dean thanked Eva and Dean put on his regalia and left.

I suspect that Eva thought I had a better time than I did as she seemed fixated on the idea that I would want to see her again as the following interaction describes.

Eva: My name is Eva.
Dean: Ok.
Eva: Remember, it’s Eva.
Dean: Yeah.
Eva: It’s Eva.
Dean: Say it one more time and I will think I am Eva.

Will I see Eva again? Not in this life.

I have to go now.

Coming up soon is review of ‘new’ Sasa at Bellevue 12 and a return visit to YuYu,

See you soon friends.

Until that time folks . . .until that time.


Re: Eva @ 143 Marrickville Rd.

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 5:23 pm
by boronia
This report has vindicated my decisions to stay on the bus as it goes up Marrickville Rd, and wait to get off at Station St.