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Hana 65 Carlton

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:21 pm
by Windmill
Visited 65 about 11:00pm on monday ready for action, lucky with car space under cover.
Shown 3 WL's Hana was the last, front not too bad with thick rimmed glasses and tiny skintight dress which when she turned round revealed the back was just a few strips of material holding the dress together, and revealing a very cute arse and no panties/g string!
What a sight! Unfortunately that was the highlight of the session!
Paid the cash she left, I showered, she returns rugged up in full length dressing gown and proceeds to light up a fag WTF!
Finish shower, lie on bed and wait for her to finish fag, then she jumps up and has shower!
That is when I should have bailed out but still thinking about that arse.
Finally gets on bed and we cuddle, and cuddle and cuddle no hand work on the old boy what so ever.
I take over and go down on her which she enjoyed so much that ever time I tried to change positions she pushed me back between her legs which by now where very wet, but my neck was starting to lock up, had to force my way out of between her legs.
So what does she do next, she resumes cuddling, I ask almost demand some BJ which she did after much stuffing around.
And that dear readers was 60 mins. no fuck, no cum, no happy ending.
I get in shower , she has left the room, she returns as I finish dressing and points to the price menu on the wall and says "you 15 mins over, you pay me extra $70" WTF WTF! Tell her bad luck your problem not mine, she starts to really carry on about the money, she get in trouble etc. etc.
Just to get out give $50 and walk with her still bitching behind me.
Denis the reception was at the door asked how was she? Normally don't unload on the girls even if poor service but no fuck it told him the whole story, he asked me to wait while he talks to Hana. I hear raised voices, and he returns and gives me the $50 back.
He apologies for her lack of service and the extra time scam. Now that is a first for me in regards to fair treatment from receptionists how usually side with the girls regardless of the compliant.
Chalk one up to experience. Will go this Monday and try my luck again, but not with Hana.