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7 Cowper St Granville

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:41 pm
by SydneyOcassional
Hi all,
I know 7 Cowper is considered to be a cheapie shop, but I'd also heard it called a bargain. A punt today lodged it well in the too cheap to care
column. The armoured frontage on the old 'dilapidated bikie clubhouse' feel was in its own way a little exciting. The choice of the three ladies was less so.

I chose the pretty face and presented my $160. A lovely girl in her own way, lovely soft skin and a gorgeous smile. But for someone who was new to the business
It was like having sex with a jujitsu expert. She could divert a hand with nudge, a thrust with a push down on the thighs, so very subtle yet so very effective. Added
to this was the God awful fake moaning and the instructions for 'no kissing on the mouth or down there' and 'you're too big, too big', I'm not.

That said it was a pleasure to lie with a beautiful girl and have her play with your cock. But when she is clock watching at 30 minutes of an hour session it sucks, and then tries to
tell you that you started earlier, no. But the best part was the smell of mould and an occasional whiff of sewage.

Mould and fake whining moans are a terrible mix. I finished myself off at her insistence with 15 mins to go, and groaned inwardly when she asked me to come back because she 'really
liked me.'

Overall it was ok but just. It's not a place I will remember fondly or have any desire to repeat.

Re: 7 Cowper St Granville

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:40 pm
by philipdick
Ive been there and there was this Japanese girl? they introduced (the only girl availble on friday..)

I speak japanese so I talk to here in japanese but apparently she was chineese....

Moreover she said she wasn't feeling well so we stoped in about 15 mintues and I asked the recpetionist but they said thats too bad...

So I complained here and they found me and contact me if I deleted my review they will give me free hour

When I deleted my previous messages and visited they said I get 10% discount.... so I am writing to complain again..

Re: 7 Cowper St Granville

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:03 pm
by napoleon33
Actually Granville have can find great ladies some of them real gems.
I went few weeks ago and I booked Polly ..Philo, beautiful Spanish features, more western look.
I saw there Bella ( Brazilian girl) big natural boobsFF...not very attractive face but her service was fantastic.
I could say it's a question of luck.